No day passes without “reports of needless killings, decapitation or mutilation of human bodies” in Nigeria-CAN


The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has reminded Nigerians, particularly Christians, of the need to fully participate in forthcoming general election and not sit on the fence as was mostly the case in past elections.

CAN stated that hardly would a day pass without “reports of needless killings, decapitation or mutilation of human bodies” adding that the 2023 general elections are one valid chance and opportunity that Nigerians have to turn around the fortunes of the country for good.

Luminous Jannamike, the media aide to CAN President, Daniel Okoh, said in a release that the president gave the charge during the opening ceremony of second plenary meeting of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) at Sacred Heart Pastoral Centre, Orlu, Imo State.

Okoh urged the participating bishops and other senior Catholic church officials to continue to support election monitoring team set up by CAN to do a good job in the 2023 general elections as they did in the previous elections.

“I also request you continue to use your highly-revered positions to remind your parishioners and, indeed, all Christians of the danger of not actively participating in partisan politics, as this is where all the decisions that affect our lives, choice of worship and economy are decided,” he said.

He, however, condoled with the Catholic Church faithful on the numerous kidnappings, gruesome murder of many Catholic priests and reverend sisters and senseless killings of worshippers in the sanctuary by terrorists and bandits in recent times.

“The unprecedented spate of insecurity in our nation today, calls for serious concern. We have come to a point in our national history where the value of human life has diminished abysmally. Hardly a day passes without reports of needless killings, decapitation or mutilation of human bodies.

“Thousands of civilians, and even members of law enforcement agencies, have been kidnapped, abused and murdered in cold blood. As I speak now, thousands of our fellow citizens have been held for several months and even years in one terrorists’ camp or another in the bush. Kidnapping for ransom has become a very lucrative criminal enterprise and it is an aberration.

“As I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, children were not allowed to see dead bodies. But now even the sensibilities of the children are no longer protected. All kinds of crime and wickedness are available almost for free on the social media. Nigeria now ranks high as one of the most terrorised nations of the world.

“This practice has progressively evolved over time and it has drastically reduced our national pride among the comity of nations. It is sad to note that those whose duty it is to guarantee the safety of our lives and properties appear to be helpless in the face of real threat and advancing forces of darkness eclipsing the land.

“My consolation and confidence, however, is always the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ warned us about this time and assured us also that He will not allow the gates of hell to prevail against his Church in Nigeria. It is a common knowledge that Nigeria remains a country of great potential. Our bane, over the years, has been lack of patriotic, visionary and committed leadership.”

He appreciated the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) for the support given to CAN over the years.

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