ECOWAS will decimate the Wagner group if they intervene in Niger’s restoration to democratic rule – AMB Abdel Fatau Musah


ECOWAS defense chiefs warn Russia and Wagner citing African union convention against mercenaries.

Ecowas defense chiefs are prepared for any interference from foreign or domestic mercenaries with the intention of interfering in the planned military intervention by ECOWAS in Niger republic.

Ambassadore Abdel Fatau Musah a commissioner for political affairs, peace and security ECOWAS who was a member of the commitee of ECOWAS defense chiefs on the planned military intervention against the coup leaders in Niger republic hinted that in case of any interference by Wagner or any form of mercenaries the ECOWAS military force is ready and prepared for any eventuality to act with precision.

Citing the African Union convention against involvement of mercenaries in African conflicts he said, “ECOWAS will hold Russia responsible for any human right abuse carried out by Wagner should they involve in Niger.” On the possible involvement of Burkina Faso and Mali he said those countries are engulfed in their own internal conflicts such that the do not have access to their borders or the ability to even cross their borders which have been effectively manned by Islamic terrorist groups.

The coup leaders are left with one choice restore democracy and President Mohamed Bazoum or face the wrath of ECOWAS.

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