Court of Appeal President, P. C. A., Monica Dongban-Mensem, raises alarm over lack of funds for the prosecution of election petition tribunals.


Court of Appeal President, P. C. A., Monica Dongban-Mensem, has raised the alarm over lack of funds for the prosecution of election petition tribunals. She said unless urgent steps are taken to release funds to the Court of Appeal, the composition of election petition tribunals ahead of the 2023 general election may be seriously hampered.

It is the statutory responsibility of the Court of Appeal to constitute election petitions tribunals for elections in the country.

The election tribunals are established under Section 285 (2) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended by Section 9 of the constitution (Second Alteration Act, 2010).

But speaking at the annual legal year of the court, Dongban-Mensem said: “It is pertinent to state that adequate preparation requires adequate funding. The essential ingredient for the tribunals to function effectively to maximum capacity is the provision of the much-needed funding to provide adequate facilities for the tribunals across the nation.

She warned that failure to release the funds on time could hinder the constitution of various tribunals and courts that would sit over disputes that would emanate from the forthcoming polls.

“The fund to prosecute the 2023 general election petition tribunals has still not been released. This is becoming worrisome as it may impede plans to constitute the various tribunals and courts.

“The process of training of justices, tribunal judges and registry staff is also on hold, pending the release of funds. The existing tribunals have taken up a whole chunk of the very limited resources of the court.

“We appeal to the relevant authorities to ensure the funds for running of the tribunals are released urgently.”

Regardless, the jurist revealed that she has received from various heads of courts across the federation, nominations of judicial officers that would serve in the petition tribunals.

Also, nominations of staff who will man the registries of the tribunals have been received from the various divisions of the court.

Activities marking the 2022/2023 legal year of the Court of Appeal commenced last Friday, September 9 with a Juma’t prayers at the National Judicial Council Mosque.

It was followed on Monday, September 12 by an interdenominational service at the Court of Appeal Chapel, before the official flag-off at the ceremonial court room of the Court of Appeal.

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