Reports reaching exclusive dispatch indicates that the Plateau State Government under the leadership of Governor Celeb Muftwang is currently finalizing a decision to establish an official state police in Plateau State. Recall that the late Governor of Ondo State Goverrnior Akeredolu had championed the creation of Amotekun A WESTERN NIGERIA STATE POLICE OUTFIT which helped in bringing respite to the people of Ondo State.

Earlier in the week following the December 25th massacre by alleged Fulani herds men which led to the death of over 200 men, women and children.  A former Governor of the state Jonah Jang had added his voice to the outcry for a state police.  “THE GOVERNOR CALEB MUFTWANG IS CREATING A STATE POLICE.”

A top government official who disclosed this information on condition of anonymity stated that the governor is set to announce this during his new year address to the people of plateau state.

This is seen as a welcome development as this will help to checkmate insecurity in the state and create MASSIVE

employment for the massive amount of youths who are currently members of the state vigilante groups.  He disclosed that the state government is working on a salary range of 60,000 which will be reviewed upon performance.

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