ASUU has become part of the problem.


sympathy changing to apathy

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is a Nigerian union of university academic staff, founded in 1978. ASUU is an offshoot of the Nigerian Association of University Teachers (NAUT) which was established in 1965. At that time, NAUT consisted of only 5 universities in total including University of Ibadan, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, University of Ife and University of Lagos. Over the years there has been series of incessant strikes, these strikes are in response to the Nigerian Government’s refusal to uphold the agreement signed. It is a move by the union to force the government into a response. However, this has only yielded negative results.

Many agree ASUU struggles have lived up to the Unions conventional requirement that the Union should defend the interest of its members, establish and maintain just and proper conditions of service for its members, the protection and advancement of the socio-economic interest of the nation, accurate Federal and State Governments allocation to education, University Autonomy among others. Some believe ASUU struggles have not lived up to the Unions conventional requirement.

Recently the strikes are occurring so often and at such insensitive and opportunistic times that sympathy for their cause has long changed or is rapidly changing into apathy.

This current strike has comfortably embraced sixth month. An academic year is gone, with a multitude of restive youth unleashed it would be hard for any parent who is having to cope with the pressure of restive youths in these difficult times, to feel any sympathy for the prolonged strike of ASUU whatever the cause.

It is believed that negotiations had gone far, and for ASUU to continue the strike under such condition is counter productive. Asuu wants a higher allocation to education while restricting government from increasing fees this to many is a good development especially those who believe the government is certainly able to properly fund education in the country especially, when it is obviously clear that the children of Nigeria’s political elite attend western universities hence the disregard for Nigerian universities but Nigeria has changed significantly from say twenty years ago. Nigeria is a much poorer country today. Most successful Universities in the world do not rely a hundred per cent on their governments. Statistics show that many do not get above a third of their revenue from government. An agreement between Asuu and FG urgently needed. Unfortunately, the corruption within the University system in Nigeria is moving from bad to worse thereby complicating issues. sympathy is rapidly changing to apathy for Asuu and a new tactic is required.

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